Don’t MISS Little Miss HISTORY!

The Little Miss History (LMH) series is built to educate and entertain children, by utilizing engaging and interesting historical facts. Interest and insight into past events, persons and places is maintained via Miss History, a whimsical character. Illustrations of Little Miss History are upbeat and lighthearted.

If Pippi Longstocking had an older sister, she might just be Little Miss History!  Both characters are tomboys, unafraid to venture into the spontaneous unknown, and truly lovable. Unlike Pippi however, Miss History actually teaches quite responsibly, prompting the idea that this could be Pippi’s big sister; the responsible sibling with the same playful family traits. 

This series is perfect for developing interest and intrigue into former days. Each book covers overlooked facts that truly ignite the imagination. The reader is brought back in time while curiosity is stimulated by these unreported details.

Teachers and parents often take children to historical villages and museums in order to bring the physical world of history into the present. In a historical village children get hands-on experience as life is presented long ago. This series reminds me of these visits, the reader gets a historical appetizer; information which stimulates more study and interest. These books are therefore, an excellent resource for a family library or the classroom.

The author, Barbara Ann Mojica, a teacher and historian, is passionate about her work. She writes these books with zeal and fervor. Her mission is to ignite an interest in history and stimulate further study. Each book starts off with the same little rhyme telling the story of a fascination with history. Repetitive text is grounding; this rhyme reminds children that they are visiting with their friend, Little Miss History.  The Illustrator, Victor Ramon Mojica, is extremely talented. Original depictions collaborate with text and overlay with historical pictures. The pictures are honed to perfection. 

At the end of each book there’s an enticing cliffhanger into the next book. The reader will surely want to read the next in the series. 

Here are my three reviews within this series which will provide insight into this work.

Little Miss History Travels to Mount Rushmore our favorite character starts off with very interesting details about the scale and size of the faces of these presidents. Our LMH or perhaps Miss Fearless, ropes along the Mount Rushmore stone carvings displaying the enormity of these faces. We learn about the designer of these depictions and his ultimate goal. Was it achieved? You’ll have to read and find out! We also learn what the workers had to do to make this project a reality. Finally, we learn some interesting facts about Native Americans and their view of Mount Rushmore. Last, it’s on to another topic, we see Little Miss History rowing a boat toward the Statue of Liberty!

Little Miss History Travels to The Statue of Liberty getting right down to the facts, our character shows up with a climbing rope in the first picture; immediately we have the idea that LMH is going to climb the Statue of Liberty!  But before this climb, we learn all about the funding fumbles and successes of this project. Illustrations are detailed and truly enhance the text. Little Miss History does indeed climb Lady Liberty! The reader learns how the Statue was made, what materials were required and what type of effort it took to bring this project to New York from France. Next stop Sequoia National Park and it looks like Little Miss History is hitchhiking there!

Little Miss History Travels to Hyde Park Home of FDR walks the reader through FDR’s private life within the confines of his home. As Little Miss History takes us through each room of this home, we become increasingly aware of FDR’s accomplishments and struggles. This book reminds me of the fascinating history we find in historical homes all around our country; imagination is peeked as we walk the paths of long ago countrymen and women. The last few pages of the book contain a glossary of terms which will surely be helpful to children as they expand vocabulary through this book’s narration. Next stop TombStone, Arizona and it looks like Little Miss History is riding her horse there!

This series, which includes a lovely coloring book, is adorable and sure to be a hit amongst parents, teachers and children as they have fun reading and imagining while deepening their historical knowledge.