SILLY LITTLE SCISSORS ~ My response to a bad review on Amazon.

If this “teacher” would have just taken advantage of the “LOOK INSIDE” feature on Amazon she would have not purchased the book because she would have seen it was not to her liking. Instead she went ahead and bought it without any research and this is the result!

Silly Little Scissors had fantastic reviews until this PreK teacher voiced her opinion. Here it is with ONE STAR:  🙂

DUMB BOOK: I can’t believe this was written by an educator. It’s terrible. Why would you read a book to children about using scissors and the scissors go around cutting crayons, dress up clothes, the clothes in the students’ cubbies…this is not silly at all! Will not be reading to my Pre-k class.”

I want to address this “Pre-K Teacher” who seems afraid to read my book to her class because she thinks her children will learn bad behavior.

The book is comical and intended to draw children in. Silly Little Scissors does those bad things because she feels ignored.
Finally, in the end, she assists the children in proper cutting.

The children LOVE this book because it reminds them of themselves. As you read it, you demonstrate good behavior versus bad behavior. As a teacher, I’ve often found that the best thing to say is, “This what we do?” while doing the bad thing.

This approach provides children with a clear reference point for what not to do, reinforcing the book’s educational value and its potential to positively influence children’s behavior.

If this teacher thinks she is so weak that her students will go around and follow the funny antics of the cute character we have in this book, I feel sorry for her students. She ought not to teach and ought rather to do something else.

The teacher is depriving her children of an engaging book that will set them straight on scissor skills and teach them a lesson about feeling left out. Remembering to include everyone and make sure everyone feels loved is an important side note of the book.

I sometimes give this book away.  Parents tell me that their children love this book, and keep requesting it over and over again.