Holy Water and its Significance for Catholics by Rev. Henry Theiler, S.O. Cist. ~ My Book Review

This sixty-two-page book written by Rev. Henry Theiler, S.O. Cist. is an instructional resource and reminder to Catholics of the benefits of Holy Water. Significant quotes follow:

“The Catholic Church, the kingdom of Christ on Earth, is above all a kingdom of grace and of blessing, and the great seven-branched stream of the Holy Sacraments fruitfully permeates it, and from its waters the faithful draw grace upon grace. From one end to the other of this realm are erected the altars upon which the unbloody sacrifice of the New Testament is offered, and from them flow the streams of grace of the entire earth.” p. 5

Holy Water is composed of blessed salt and blessed water. “Holy water possesses not only the power of cleansing us from venial sins and temporal punishments but also helps us to overcome the temptations of the devil.” p.32

“When the pious Christian is about to lay himself to rest, and with holy water marks his forehead, his lips, and his heart, he well may earnestly plead with God to shield him against the delusions of the devil.” p. 50

…” Every delusion and wickedness of the devil depart” by virtue of the holy water…one will take holy water at eventide to cleanse the soul from the venial sins of the passing day, as also to rest secure for the night against the onslaughts of the evil spirit.” p. 51

Holy water can be used in the morning as well, be sure to bless the house, bless your body and pray.

Holy water can be used for the sick, when the death struggle approaches.

We bless ourselves with Holy Water when we enter the Church and when we leave, but this sacramental has more uses. I highly recommend this book.