Defenders of the West by Raymond Ibrahim ~ My Book Review

This book actually takes you on a journey of courage, bravery and selfless love for God and Christendom. These are the warriors, these are the soldiers, this is the Church Militant with Rosary and Crucifix in hand who fought to defeat the cruel and barbaric who enslaved, tortured and murdered countless Christians. Get this book for your sons especially, they will love these Knights of Courage with their stories of bravery and the sacrifice of everything for the sake of liberty and freedom to practice the Faith.

Here are some great quotes from the book:
About Lord Godfrey: “attacked an enormous bear… protecting a fellow knight who had fallen victim to it…the Duke..lamenting that he who had up to now escaped splendidly from all danger was about to be choked by this blood thirsty beast… he seized the monster and plunged the sword… while another knight also smote the bear.

About The Cid…:”During the battle the Apostle James the Greater(son of Zebedee) — whose relics had long rested at this shrine of Santiago de Compostela is said to have appeared slaughtering thousands of Muslims.”

About Saint Louis… “He spent liberally on churches, cathedrals, and monasteries… washed the feet of beggars and raised his children in humility.

About Skanderbeg ~ “The Albanian Braveheart was known for valor and incredible strength.”

Your sons and grandsons will LOVE these stories. A gift for a priest as well.

I really can’t say enough about this book, it will rouse you to courage and faith!