The Mystical City of God Volume I (The Conception) ~ My Book Review

The Mystical City of God ~ Volume I, The Conception

By Blessed Mary Agreda

This volume gives us great insight into St. Anne and St. Joachim, their struggles, and their love for their Child.

She is born and so beautiful. Filled with grace from the onset, we learn. A thousand angels guard Her Majesty even in Her youth.

We learn about her requests to Blessed Mary Agreda. She tells us about herself here to request our cooperation and holiness. She helps us understand more clearly the great sanctity that suffering avails the soul.

This book is not just a beautiful read but a profound experience. It feels as if Our Lady is speaking directly to me, and her call for holiness, though challenging, brings me closer to the divine.

As I read, I am reminded that all things are possible with God. This book is a call for holiness and a beacon of hope that inspires me to strive for the impossible.

Indeed, nothing is impossible with God. He takes dust and forms us; by His power, we can offer Him the homage He deserves. Our Lady is the guiding light, the beacon that shows us the way.

I will take a break from this series and return in a few months.