Hail Mary: Full of Grace ~ Simple Thoughts on the Rosary by Mother Mary Loyola ~ Book Review by Christine Calabrese


Simple Thoughts On the Rosary
By Mother Mary Loyola

This book is well-written and contains profound and inspiring thoughts. It is jam-packed with meditations for each decade, it would take hours to finish one mystery. So turning to any page and reading while reciting a decade helps overcome the enormity of the text.

Each decade is separated into about ten meditations. One could methodically go through each point over several weeks—one or two per week. There is always fresh content, and reviewing the points already read brings new insights.

At the end of each decade, there are also ten meditation points. One could easily use those for thoughts on the beads of the Rosary.

In addition, there are also prayers embedded in the text.

Here are some quotes:

Joyful Mysteries: The Nativity p. 17

“He lays Himself down on the straw in the coldest hour of the winter’s night. His little limbs are trembling, and there are tears of pain in His eyes. But He stretches out His arms to us, and the smile on His lips says:”

“…You need a Redeemer: I will redeem you when I am old enough. I am too small to be crucified yet, but when I am grown up I will shed the last drop of My blood for you. In a week’s time I will give some to show you I am ready to give all…”

Sorrowful Mysteries p. 80 The Carrying of the Cross

“O dear Lord Jesus, how touching is Thy faltering and failing on the uphill road! How reassuring is it for us, Thy weak brethren, to creep up to Thee after our own falls and see Thee lying prostrate, spent, powerless. And-here is our example-whilst still trembling with the shock and pain of Thy fall, with all the weariness of failure upon Thee, with the knowledge that at no great distance Thy strength will give way anew-rising and struggling on,, in no wise shaken in Thy resolve to pursue Thy way, and to prove by Thy very falls Thy unconquerable love of us…”

Glorious Mysteries: The Descent of the Holy Ghost p. 163-164

“…Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners. Pray for me that my prayer may become more like thine. Get me light to see the needs of my soul that I may know what to pray for. Remind me in time of temptation to turn at once to prayer. Teach me to convert anxieties, plans, everything into prayer…”

This book is a gem. Here’s hoping you add it to your collection.

Remember St. Padre Pio’s admonitions: “Love Our Lady, make others love her. Always say your Rosary and say it well. Satan always tries to destroy this prayer, but he will never succeed. It is the prayer of her who triumphs over everything and everyone.”